The Development of The ARC

The ARC at Trinity Academy Halifax, was set up in 2018 to address ongoing issues within the mainstream cohort, with the sole purpose to supply effective early intervention that prevented students from missing learning opportunities through sanctions. In 2016-17, the internal data clearly identified a significant increase in recorded BFL data (Behaviour points/Inclusion & suspension) within key stage 3, coupled with the growing number of students coming from their primary setting with specialised behavioural needs, undiagnosed SEND or socio-economic dysregulation that manifested itself in a high demand for external intervention.

When the provision opened in September 2018, it was originally set up with one pathway (The ARC) that was linked to the number of mainstream inclusions a student had received
in an academic year and the level of intervention conducted by the pastoral team. Each student that was referred to The ARC remained in the provision for maximum period of 26
weeks, which included a transition period back to mainstream lessons and social contact time. From the outset and through extensive research conducted internally through the
pastoral team and externally through visits to established alternative provisions, it was evident that the key period in which a provision is most likely to foster change within a student’s
behaviour, was within the first two years of secondary school. Therefore, The ARC pathway originally opened with the majority of students selected from Year 7 & 8, with additional
children referred from Year 9 if they met the required referral criteria. The pathway focused on a ‘solution focused model’ with emphasis on reflective practice being implemented into
all learning opportunities. The values of the academy (honesty, respect, resilience, empathy and discipline) created a reflective focus for lessons, these were easily recognised by the
students as they had previously been introduced through the same literature and activities completed in early intervention within the inclusion setting or through 1:1 pastoral mentoring.

The academy wanted to ensure that, along with the adapted curriculum, every student attending the provision had access to high quality learning opportunities from mainstream
teachers. Therefore 60% of academic subjects were timetabled with specialist teachers and the remaining sessions were delivered through ‘solution focused’ trained staff. This
supported the students in dealing with adversity and challenging situations when they return to mainstream. The link between embedding positive social skills and coping
mechanisms have proven to directly affect a child’s ability to attain academically.

The ARC continued to operate within the one pathway format for the next 5 years. However, post covid, the senior leadership group identified a higher demand on therapeutic and behavioural services within the Trust and most notably in the local area of North Halifax. As a direct result, the suspension data increased, and the number of external alternative provision placements doubled across two academic years – creating a cohort of students whom the academy were unable to support the academic, personal development and overall attainment of. In 2023, after the successful trial of an additional short-term pathway (Connect), the academy decided to invest in larger facilities creating opportunities to expand and promote new pathways that included all academic year groups here at Trinity Academy Halifax.

Overview of the pathways

The pathways have enabled us to intrinsically support our students and cater for individual needs.
Below is a description of each pathway and what they entail:

Year 6 into Year 7

The pathway aims to target those students that have either been at risk of permanent exclusion or been permanently excluded from their primary setting. The programme
generates an opportunity to support the identified cohort to successfully transition from primary school to secondary school within a nurturing and structured environment. The pathway allows students to gain a full understanding of the academy’s expectations around conduct and uniform, while embed school routines mirrored in the mainstream building. During the 14-week pathway The ARC staff aim to provide the students with the required strategies to ensure that they can form positive friendships with their peers, develop successful relationships with staff and understand tiered consequences.

Year 7/8/9

The Aspire pathway is designed as a longer period of intervention for Key Stage 3 students. The pathway aims to use the reflective curriculum to embed routine and confidence in attending lessons. The reflective curriculum in Aspire aims to give student’s the ability to analyse the appropriateness of their behaviours and generate foresight in order to seek intervention before a situation may escalate into a sanction. The ARC staff support students to maintain the highest professional standards. This is a specialised programme to help support students to reintegrate back into the mainstream setting and enable students to develop effective strategies around resilience and behaviour.

Year 7/8/9

This pathway focuses on the application of shorter term early intervention, strategically implemented into a child’s academic journey to break the cycle of repeated
consequences in mainstream lessons. Whole school data in analysed on a fortnightly basis generating a cohort of students that would benefit from a period of intervention away from mainstream learning. The pastoral team constantly reviews and considers behaviour data, unmet SEND needs and social and emotion dysregulation when identifying students within Year 7 & 8. The pathway aims to provide all students with the support needed to reintegrate back into mainstream learning with a range of effective strategies to enhance resilience and improve choice behaviour. Developing a self- awareness of professional standards within the student conduct is paramount to the work completed in re-engaging the students with routine and expectations.

Year 10

This is a specialised Key Stage 4 programme to support students with achieving the best possible academic outcomes and enabling them to succeed in their future career through developing social skills. The programme focuses on English, Maths, Science and two creative options when students are on the school site. Students also engage with college placements and extra-curricular sporting opportunities to develop wider knowledge and the soft skills required for a successful future. The ARC team work to ensure that students secure the best possible grades which will open doors for placements at sixth form, colleges and on apprenticeship courses post Year 11.

What we can offer

Specialists within The ARC are able to offer a package of support:

CPD – The Beginning – Staffing, Structure & Resources White Rose Maths Launch
CPD – Identification of Students to Breed Success/Troubleshooting Visit 1
CPD – Outlining Reflective Curriculum/Quality Assurance Microsoft Teams
CPD – Solution Focused Delivery/Mainstream Phased Returns Microsoft Teams
CPD – Executive Summary & Reporting Impact Microsoft Teams
External QA- Written Report In person
Physical Resources
Additional QA Visits In person

For further information contact us:

Kristy Tiffany – Cluster Admin Development Lead

Trinity Academy Halifax
Shay Lane,

01422 244890