Growth Strategy

Trinity MAT has the following vision:

As a Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust, Trinity MAT is committed to working within a respectful and compassionate environment. It is open to schools of all faiths and none, all educational phases and all Ofsted judgements.

The trust exists to serve the students in its care. It has a small number of core principles:

  • We expect all our schools to support each other and to share best practice for the benefit of all
  • We encourage each of our schools to celebrate its distinctive identity within our community
  • We are committed to providing quality-assured services to keep our schools legal, financially robust and continually improving.

By the 2023-24 academic year, Trinity MAT included the following institutions:

Institution NoR Phase Date of entry
Trinity Academy Halifax 1622 11-16 Founding member
Trinity Sixth Form Academy 761 16-19 01/10/2016
Trinity Academy Akroydon 257 4-11 01/02/2017
Trinity Academy Grammar 1005 11-16 01/10/2018
Trinity Academy Cathedral 1036 11-16 01/03/2018
Trinity Academy St Chad’s 141 4-11 01/03/2019
Trinity Academy St Peter’s 104 4-11 01/09/2020
Trinity Academy Bradford 893 11-16 01/02/2021
Trinity Academy Leeds 718 11-16 01/09/2021
Trinity Academy St Edward’s 537 11-16 01/09/2021
Whitehill Community Academy 673 3-11 01/01/2024
Totals 7,747

The Trust Improvement Plan sets out the focus for growth of the trust, which builds upon the successes achieved so far. The plan contains a Strategy On A Page (SOAP) which describes the trust vision, strategic intent, strategic pillars of activity, brand promises, trust values and key performance indicators which the organisation will be judged by. To complement the SOAP is the next 12-month priorities which explains the work to be delivered to achieve the trust vision and strategic intent in the short term. Core to this work is a focus on Inspirational Growth through Partnership, which is a strategic pillar of work. The ambition of the trust is to grow the number of academies, serving an even greater number of pupils/students, supported by creating an outstanding learner experience delivered by dedicated staff. The growth of the organisation will put the excellent quality of education as the first and foremost.

Directors have agreed the following growth principles:

  1. To maintain the ‘moral imperative’ fostered in the early part of Trinity’s existence
  2. To partner with good/outstanding schools where possible, to add capacity to school improvement services (with a particular focus on the primary phase)
  3. For central services to be developed in a timely manner, ensuring the MAT remains sustainable and effective.