Central Executive Team

The executive leadership group of the MAT consists of a wide range of people from a variety of backgrounds.

Whilst members of this team meet regularly to discuss the performance of the MAT as a whole, each institution also has its own local governing body, Principal and senior leadership team.

Core services

Trinity MAT core services includes a variety of support and school improvement services. There are currently more than 50 posts specifically designed to deliver the following principles of the trust:

  • All schools actively support each other and share best practice for the benefit of all
  • Each school is encouraged to celebrate its distinctive identity
  • A commitment to provide quality-assured services to keep our schools legal, financially robust and continually improving.

To deliver this vision we have developed a number of support teams that work across more than one institution. These include Estate Management, Financial Services, Health and Safety, Human Resources, ICT and Data, Marketing, Safeguarding and School Improvement. Therefore, there is significant capacity within the trust to ensure that these crucial aspects to running a school are taken care of.

This capacity allows the leadership of any school to concentrate on the single, most important thing that it does – to continually improve the quality of teaching in every classroom, ensuring that the young people in our care get the best possible opportunity in life.